Rollins’ current intranet, which covers their family of brands most notably Orkin, is described as cluttered, confusing, and slow. While the intranet is the central hub for employees to stay updated on company announcements, store technical documents and forms, and to view their daily tasks and appointments, Rollin’s employees found it cumbersome to navigate the portal. Leadership at Rollins recognized the need to overhaul the intranet to make it more efficient and simplify daily work streams for those that use it.

The Rollins intranet was a combination of two portals that were created in-house and both included one off features that were unique to each portal. Neither portal was retired which led to users using whichever intranet they were most comfortable with, and creating an inconsistent experience with which varying features, news updates, and documents were included.

Upon completing thorough stakeholder and user interviews, we provided a more refined information architecture for the hefty amount of content as well as wireframes and a prototype that simplified the navigation, viewing notifications, and the process of uploading new content to the portal. Consolidating the two portals into one creates a more adept tool for users to get work done.
Design of the portal centered around an icon based homepage, which only surfaces content that is relevant to that user’s job. This Streamlined the landing page which allows users to not be hindered by announcements and other irrelevant information, and the newly implemented information architecture made navigating uncomplicated therefore simplifying workflows that were complicated before.
Screen mockups that represent the intranets ability to work within an office setting as well as it's capability to work with service associates out in the field and need functionality like weather alerts
Branding - User Interface - Asset Development
As part of the project engagement and compressed timeline, the design team quickly defined styles, elements, components and defined functional requirements that were then defined as a new Sharepoint theme that was distributed through the company Microsoft Office 365 account.

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